Huy Dang
Senior Division
Barcarolle in F sharp major, op. 60
Waltz in E flat major, op. 18
Nocturne in C minor, op. 48, no. 1
Etude in C Major, op. 10, no. 1
Polonaise in A flat major, op. 53
Mazurkas, op. 33
Sonata in B minor, op. 58
Concerto in E minor op. 11
Polonaise-Fantasie in A flat major, op. 61

Born in 2003 in Toronto, Huy began studying piano at the age of 6. In 2014, he began his
studies at the Taylor Academy of the Royal Conservatory of Music under Dianne Werner,
continuing in 2017 under Michael Berkovsky.
In 2018, Huy placed second at the 10th annual International Chopin Competition in Hartford.
In the same year, he won the Taylor Academy Concerto Competition and in April 2019,
debuted at Koerner Hall with the Academy Chamber Orchestra and conductor Ivars Taurins.
In August 2019, he was awarded the Most Promising Junior Competitor at the Canadian
Chopin Competition. He has also won top prizes at numerous local festivals such as
Toronto-Kiwanis, North York Music Festival, and CCC.
He has performed in masterclasses with notable artists such as Leslie Kinton, John Perry,
David Louie, Li Wang, and Alexander Panizza.
Although he is now studying computer science at York University, music remains a
significant part of his life. He strives to further his musical growth, under the continued
mentorship of Michael Berkovsky.